Today's lovely disaster is brought to you by an attempt at a thoughtful Valentine's Day gift.
My other half happens to really love cake pops so I thought I would make some as a surprise. My weapon of choice was Red Velvet and I felt pretty confident with the simple instructions found on the Ben Franklin crafts blog, which ensured my cake pops would look just like the following image:
I nailed the cake baking part, which I am usually known to either under cook or catch on fire, so I was excited thinking the hardest part was over. I failed in a big way, however, when it came time for the candy coating.
As I tried to roll the 1st ball o' cake into the candy melts, the cake crumbled a bit into the candy creating a chunky red consistency. When it came time to roll ball 2 the problem just got worse.
Despite the fact that the candy melts were STEAMING hot they were not as easily applied as the cake crumbled into it. Everything still tasted alright though.... So my solution was to spoon dollops of the candy onto the balls o' cake.
And thus, I delivered a tragic looking Valentine's Day gift. Gift number two was a destroyed kitchen covered in red hand prints :) Lesson learned. I can't bake and need to stop trying.